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Arquivo• dezembro 2007 Links
•Galeiras blog Link aqui ![]() Sobre mimsaumensch O inverso do perverso. LayoutLayout feito por Maron para uso exclusivo da Porca-chan. No copy. |
Postsdomingo, 1 de abril de 2012Attractive StrangerI like tough girlsand delicate boys I like rebels not only toys I like small sizes in open shirts I like big bombs under skirts You're not mine but I'm borrowing let's make a move, let's get going If you are here for words, I'm here for action You are my type, you're my vicious attraction boys, girls, boys, girls goys, birls, goys birls I'm not straight not even right handed I get off when you are staring and standing I'm insane get this clear if you want me for the night you gotta act like a queer Marcadores: lyrics