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Between The Mirror
Arquivo• dezembro 2007 Links
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Postssábado, 19 de abril de 2008The Arcade FireBlack mirror I will walk down to the ocean After waking from the nightmare No moon, no pale reflection Black Mirror, Black Mirror Shot by a security camera You can watch your own image And also look yourself in the eye Black Mirror, Black Mirror, Black Mirror I know when the time is coming All the words will lose their meaning Please show me something that isn't mine But mind is the only kind that I relate to I never guessed how the mirror could ever break you Black Mirror, Black Mirror, Black Mirror Black Mirror knows no reflection, knows not pride or vanity Cares not about your dreams, cares not for your pyramid schemes Their names are never spoken The curse is never broken, the curse is never broken Un, deux, trois, du miroir noir Black Mirror Un, deux, trois, du miroir noir Black Mirror Black Mirror, Black Mirror Their names are never spoken, The curse is never broken, Their names are never spoken, The curse is never broken, Mirror mirror on the wall, show me where them bombs will fall Mirror mirror on the wall, show me where them bombs will fall Black Mirror, Black Mirror, Black Mirror, Black Mirror, Black Mirror, Black Mirror, Black Mirror Tradução por 'Bambi Eu vou descer até o oceano pego por uma câmera de segurança Eu sei quando o tempo está chegando Espelho negro não sabe refletir, não sabe orgulho ou vaidade Seus nomes nunca são ditos, a maldição nunca é quebrada Marcadores: letra, The Arcade Fire, tradução